The NEW way to "do" Leadership for results and recognition

...without ignoring quality of life, doing tons of networking or micromanaging your lab

"This is the most important missing factor I've seen in working with clients for the past 11 years"

Enroll before the timer hits zero and save $1,200

... Plus Get xx for free

What We're Doing

We are developing ourselves into proactive leaders who lead and work from Authenticity  
You will be improving your skills in grant writing, manuscript writing, lab management, mentoring of your team, and leadership - via direct, on-the-ground feedback on what you are doing RIGHT NOW and how to move past challenges

How We're Doing It

We'll work together LIVE on calls and offline in the members area to bust through challenges you're facing right now, be it writing, productivity, collaborators, management, or building your reputation. Attend as many or few as you need each month.
You will get access to frameworks and trainings designed exclusively for the academic leader - over 30 Ad Hoc Lessons plus 3 full courses on grant writing, productivity and leadership mindsets.
A community of positive, growth-minded researchers will become your new cohort - reduce isolation and make new connections outside your home University

The Requirements

Augue est sem.
Augue est sem.

Important Disclaimer

Augue est sem.
Augue est sem.

Start Date

Today. You will be set up as a new member immediately upon enrolling and can start taking advantage of training, coaching, mentoring and support ASAP.

The Investment

$4,680 per year. 

That's just $390 per month for direct support on the most challenging issues for faculty success. 

You'll get feedback on how to find your authentic leadership style and develop a vision, how to tap into inner authority to handle difficult employees or collaborators, whether your writing clearly communicates your science, how to get the most important stuff done without feeling "underwater" all the time and how to get clarity on what that important stuff is.

This is the lowest price we've ever offered a program with this level of support. 

The reason it's so low is because we want to increase the number of people this is accessible to.  While some people are able to get support from their institutions for this type of work, many are not, and we want to offer this work at a more affordable level. 

Get started with my Six-figures From Home course usually priced at $499!

Sodales viverra scelerisque metus elit netus, scelerisque risus pretium hac pharetra nisi, blandit tortor fringilla cubilia. Gravida primis donec netus nullam elementum lectus nulla.

$5,880  Now $4,680


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